so i went to a cake shop in Dubai to order my wedding cake.... here is my idea of what happens a cake shop
Me: I need a cake in 3 weeks please
shop: ok great what do you want
me: well i would like it to be two levels and..... (fill in details of cake)
shop: great! i have a recommendation... we could do the bows (dots, ribbons what have you) like this!
me: wow! great idea! i'll take it (big cheesy smile)
now here is what really happened
me: i need a cake in 3 weeks please
shop: oh here look at our 6 pictures of wedding cakes and pick one
me: you don't customize them to order?
shop: yeah we can do that. what do you want...
me: well i would like it to be two levels and..... (fill in details of cake)
shop: oh we cant do that....
me: well you have a cake that is simular over here. cant you do that only in a different color?
shop: well yes but you won't be happy with it.
me: why
shop: "you won't be happy unless the cake is white or off white"
me: (insert my image if annoyance) i won't? i think i know what i want
shop: why don't you put butterflies on your cake? that would look nice
me: (rolls eyes) thank you for your time (leaves shop)
so you people know me... i didn't ask for some rediculous looking cake like this

or like this

i just wanted something simple that didn't have flowers or butterflies on it but apperently the cake lady knows me better then i know my self...