
Monday, May 18, 2009

Free Kibble for pets in need!

For the past few months I have been visiting both Free Kibble and Free Kibble Kat daily to get that "I have made a difference" feeling. Let me tell you it’s a great way to start the day.

This is an amazing non profit organization started by a 12-year-old girl, Mimi, nearly a year ago (which btw, has now donated over 81 million pieces of kibble)in Bend, Oregon. Mimi was upset at the lack of funding many animal shelters receive and wanted to find a way to help them out.

To begin making a difference she partnered up with Castor and Pollux (which produce organic pet foods) and developed these two sites where all you have to do is visit once a day and answer a trivia question (a dog trivia question at Free Kibble and a cat trivia question at Free Kibble Kat). For every time you answer a question (doesn't matter if you get it right or wrong) there is 10 pieces of kibble donated from Castor & Pollux to feed the hungry animals.

It really doesn't get much easier than that. You click your mouse and you donate food. Simple. Give it a shot it will make your days brighter knowing you helping pets in need.

Seriously check out this video. She's totally amazing.


Sydney said...

Great sites. I just added them to my favorites so I can remember to go there daily too. Thanks for sharing!

Charmaine said...

What a great idea!