
Friday, March 13, 2009

Urban Ride - Snow in Dubai!

What do you expect to find in Dubai when you are walking along the waterfront or cornice?

Do you expect to see snow? Lots and lots of snow?

Or maybe even see enough snow that guys are snowboarding?

That's right! That's what I did today. Well I didn't do the snowboarding (not a sport I enjoy to participate in. It hurts) but I watched!

Red Bull had the Urban Ride challenge in which snowboarding talents could compete for a prize but (get this) snowboarding down a staircase, in the middle of the day, in Dubai!

It was an incredible set up by Red Bull. I was impressed with the way they were able to transform a staircase into a snow ramp with jumps and slides for the avid boarders. They transported over two (2!) tons of snow to fill up the stairs and build the slope

Here's a picture of my favorite truck. I can give you all the specs if you are really interested which I'm sure you aren't so I'll spare you. But it's a serious Dodge Ram and I love how the DJ for the event is set up in the bed of the truck!

Well this pic is just in for good measure. The locals in their Lamborghini checking out the event. They were smoking too. Seriously am I the only one who thinks it's practically criminal to smoke in a car like that?

I suppose when I can afford a car like that then I can make the rules.

Anyways hope you all enjoyed your Friday! Tomorrow is knitting group woot woot! And I'm also planning on giving you a knitting update cause I'm way overdue!

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